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- 176

Le travail social, comme la relation thérapeutique, vise à changer son destinataire. Dans ce remaniement, chacun s'approche de l'autre. Cette proximité s'appelle globalement intimité. Cette intimité va inéluctablement s'érotiser, se charger d'émotions et d'affects, engager les corps vivants. Cela s'appelle la dimension sexuelle. Il convient d'éclairer ces dimensions, leur contenu et les problèmes de leur mise en jeu: nécessité, excès ou insuffisance, méconnaissance. Intimité et sexualité ont partie liée mais ne se confondent pas.
Le travail social, comme la relation thérapeutique, vise à changer son destinataire. Dans ce remaniement, chacun s'approche de l'autre. Cette proximité s'appelle globalement intimité. Cette intimité va inéluctablement s'érotiser, se charger d'émotions et d'affects, engager les corps vivants. Cela s'appelle la dimension sexuelle. Il convient d'éclairer ces dimensions, leur contenu et les problèmes de leur mise en jeu: nécessité, excès ou ...

Sexualité ; Intimité ; Handicap mental ; Droit ; Personne âgée

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- 137
Cote : V 08.1 VIE

L'offre de formation proposée par Santé Mentale France s'appuie sur un réseau de formateurs professionnels regroupés en son sein et répartis sur l'ensemble du territoire national. Ce réseau permet de couvrir une grande partie des activités et des compétences spécialisées nécessaires à des accompagnements de qualité pour les personnes concernées par la souffrance ou le handicap psychique.
Dans une période de profonde mutation du champ de la santé mentale, la formation des intervenants est devenue plus que jamais indispensable avec des enjeux multiples :
- Actualisation des connaissances,
- Adaptation aux évolutions en cours sans perdre pour autant ses valeurs,
- Développement de nouvelles compétences et de la promotion professionnelle,
-Création de passerelles entre les intervenants pour favoriser le décloisenement des cultures et des dispositifs.
Ces formations, soucieuses des réalites psychiques et au fait des avancées scientifiques, ont pour ambition d'accompagner la constante évolution des pratiques pour favoriser une réelle amélioration de la qualité des soins et de la réinsertion des personnes confrontées à la maladie mentale et au handicap psychique.
Les formateurs de Santé Mentale France s'attachent à inscrire ces formations dans une réflexion plus globale sur l'homme et sur les valeurs que sont la singularité de la personne et de sa souffrance, l'humanité, la citoyenneté ainsi que la lutte contre la stigmatisation.
L'offre de formation proposée par Santé Mentale France s'appuie sur un réseau de formateurs professionnels regroupés en son sein et répartis sur l'ensemble du territoire national. Ce réseau permet de couvrir une grande partie des activités et des compétences spécialisées nécessaires à des accompagnements de qualité pour les personnes concernées par la souffrance ou le handicap psychique.
Dans une période de profonde mutation du champ de la santé ...

Pratiques en santé mentale

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- 23

"Le Palais des Expositions de Namur accueillait en avril dernier deux salons Autonomies et Envie d'amour, dont l'objectif est d'oeuvrer à l'insertion des personnes handicapées et moins valides. Parmi les temps forts de ces salons: le débat réunissant juriste, philosophe et acteurs de terrain sur la thématique de l'accompagnement sexuel des personnes handicapées. Avec beaucoup de pudeur, de sensibilité et d'humanité, les intervenants ont fait part de leur engagement en faveur d'une réelle égalité des chances."
"Le Palais des Expositions de Namur accueillait en avril dernier deux salons Autonomies et Envie d'amour, dont l'objectif est d'oeuvrer à l'insertion des personnes handicapées et moins valides. Parmi les temps forts de ces salons: le débat réunissant juriste, philosophe et acteurs de terrain sur la thématique de l'accompagnement sexuel des personnes handicapées. Avec beaucoup de pudeur, de sensibilité et d'humanité, les intervenants ont fait ...

Accompagnement sexuel ; Insertion sociale ; Insertion

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Solidaris magazine. N°29 HAUTIER Raphaël | Solidaris Décembre 2015 - Janiver 2016 H



- 23

"Pour vivre une grossesse en toute sécurité et en pleine sérénité, Solidaris mutualité vous offre 9 informations précieuses et une jolie infographie. (...)"

Ce numéro regroupe divers services proposés par la Mutualité.

Grossesse ; Vieillesse ; Incapacité ; Vie professionnelle

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- 210
Cote : V 08 SNO

Philisophie, démarche, concept...L'approche Snoezelen a vu le jouraux Pays-Bas dans les années 1970 auprès des personnes handicapées. Elle s'est développée en France dans les établissements qui accueillent des publics fragilisés : Handicap, autisme, psychiatrie, personnes âgées. Elle s'ouvre vers la petite enfance, se développe dans le cadre hospitalier et dans les accompagnements itinérants ou à domicile.
Cette approche est une médiation intéressante pour les professionnels qui souhaitent développer un accompagnement autour des approches non médicamenteuses.
Snoezelen favorise la proposition d'expérience sensorielle et permet dans un cadre relationnel sécurisant d'apporter détente et bien être.
C'est un outil médiateur d'une relation humanisante basée sur les notions du prendre soin des personnes, elle trouve donc son intérêt chez les professionnels des secteurs médico-social et sanitaire.
Ce ouvel ouvrage, revu et augmenté, approfondit les aspects théoriques, cliniques et pratiques du Snoezelen. Vous découvrirez également les principes d'aménagement d'une salle multi sensorielle et une description des matériels utilisés.
De nombreuses photos en couleur illustrent les propos des auteurs et vous feront voyager au sein d'espaces aménagés.
Les auteurs, intervenants et formateurs depuis de nombreuses années autour des techniques corporelles dans le secteur médico-social, proposent dans ce livre des éléments théoriques, des supports pratiques, des outils d'évaluation, des exemples de projets mais aussi des témoignages de professionnels dans des univers variés (enfants, adultes polyhandicapés, personnes âgées, mais aussi services de soins palliatifs) etc.
Philisophie, démarche, concept...L'approche Snoezelen a vu le jouraux Pays-Bas dans les années 1970 auprès des personnes handicapées. Elle s'est développée en France dans les établissements qui accueillent des publics fragilisés : Handicap, autisme, psychiatrie, personnes âgées. Elle s'ouvre vers la petite enfance, se développe dans le cadre hospitalier et dans les accompagnements itinérants ou à domicile.
Cette approche est une médiation ...

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vol. 9 - n° 3 - 281 p.
Cote : V 08.1.1 SEX 9/3

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Violence ; Abus sexuel ; Institution

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- 252

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Abus sexuel ; Déficience mentale ; Adolescent ; Enfant ; EVRAS ; Parentalité

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- 184

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Sexualité ; Recherche ; Adolescent ; Déficience mentale ; Abus sexuel ; Education ; Dysfonctions sexuelles ; Dépression

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- 68

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Intimité ; Relation affective ; Sexualité ; Institution ; Plaisir ; Blessure médullaire ; Homosexualité ; Déficience mentale ; Adolescent ; IST ; Sida

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- 60

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Violence conjugale ; Handicap ; Genre ; Autisme ; EVRAS ; Blessure médullaire ; Déficience mentale ; Intimité

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- 248

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Recherche ; Fonction sexuelle ; Blessure médullaire ; Cancer ; Relation affective ; Déficience mentale

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- 186

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Maladie chronique ; Fonction sexuelle ; Satisfaction sexuelle ; Blessure médullaire ; Stérilisation ; Politique internationale ; Cancer ; Femme ; EVRAS ; Déficience mentale ; Homme ; Infirmité motrice cérébrale

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- 120

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Cancer ; Fonction sexuelle ; Corps ; Déficience mentale ; Genre ; Parkinson ; Sexualité ; Homosexualité

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- 216

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Sclérose en plaques ; Couple ; Satisfaction sexuelle ; Relation affective ; Recherche ; Blessure médullaire ; IST ; Homosexualité

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- 87

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Amputation ; Désir ; Traumatisme psychologique ; Blessure médullaire ; IST ; Fertilité ; Traumatisme

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- 47

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Consentement ; Ethique ; Sexualité ; Transsexualité ; Grossesse ; Fertilité

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- 123

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Infertilité ; Blessure médullaire ; Sida ; Recherche ; Homosexualité ; Masculinité ; Grossesse

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- 71

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Femme ; Blessure médullaire ; Sexualité ; Maladie chronique ; Handicap ; Genre ; Identité sexuelle ; Handicap moteur ; Satisfaction sexuelle ; Recherche ; Politique internationale

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- 109

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Recherche ; Résumé ; Sexualité

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- 290

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational articles, the journal seeks to contribute to the field's knowledge base and advancement. Sexuality and Disability is an essential resource for the exchange of new knowledge, issues, techniques, and available modalitites for researchers and other professionals addressing the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation, medical, academic, and community settings.
Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area ...

Syndrome de Turner ; Femme ; Blessure médullaire ; Sida ; Handicap moteur

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